OpenPlant Modeler Help

Create Inserts (Panel) - Thrd Inserts tab

Used to add cast-in threaded inserts to the faces of precast panels.

Create When checked, creates threaded inserts.
Insert Face Sets the selected the face(s) along which to create threaded inserts: Inside, Outside or Both.
Horizontal Spacing Sets the number of inserts across the horizontal plane and the spacing distance between them. Enter spacing using the following convention: number of inserts * distance. For example, 2*1000 indicates two inserts spaced at 1000 mm. For details and examples, Understanding Spacings.
Vertical Spacing Sets the number of inserts across the vertical plane and the spacing distance between them. Enter spacing using the following convention: number of inserts * distance. For example, 2*1000 indicates two inserts spaced at 1000 mm. For details and examples, Understanding Spacings.
Cell Path Indicates the selected cell path, set using the browse button to a previously defined threaded insert symbol.
  • Browse Cell Path – Click to browse and select a user-defined .